The End of My World
I’m crying, screaming, raging. My world is ending. Time is running out, and I am staring at this darn wall. Why can’t I find it? It could save the world in two minutes, but I can’t find it. A small piece of steel and rubber. It must be cleverly concealed. I’ve asked my family if they have seen it. They have not. Oh no! I told myself I would find it. Mr. Catania is depending on me. Everyone is depending on me. Why did I say I would do it? I promise too many people too many things. The fate of the world is in my grasp.
I cannot find the inch long strip of metal which contains the secrets of the world. It is filled with computer chips and covered in arcane writing. This strip of metal is encased in blue rubber. The rubber surrounds and protects it and then trails of into a loop to conveniently hide important secrets. This rubber and metal combination an stand up to many things, not least of which is being stepped on. Oh! I may have left it at school where it is undoubtedly waiting in some pile. It may never be found. There is hope that it is here, at home. But it might be under the couch. Why did I take it out?
This information should have been copied in multiple places, but the information hidden within is too delicate for that. Most files would be on my laptop, the desktop, my school desktop, my NOOK, my two email accounts and in the Cloud as well as concealed in that lost metal strip. This info would be too detectable, too findable if it were transferred and stored multiple places.
Tears are running down my cheeks. I can’t remember where I put. Could someone have moved it? Would Beth have touched it? Beth says no but one can never trust anything Beth says. She forgets too easily and lies too often to be believed. The world will never recover without this information I am hunting for. Mr. Catania will be devastated. My mom will be distraught, and the world will start disintegrating before my eyes.
When they gave me this job, I swore an oath, “I shall live my life entirely for the protection of that which is concealed upon the chips hidden in the depths of this device. I will hunt to the ends of the Earth to find it, fight to the Death to save it and Use my last breath defending the livelihood of the World. If I shall fail, I will wait until the rest of the universe has faded before my eyes until I close my eyes and breathe my Last.” I am the latest of a thousand people to protect this device and I shall pass it on to my successor. The end of worlds, the destruction of planets and the creation of the Seven Ultimate Laws of the Universe are recorded on this piece of metal. I will not go down in history as the Girl Who Lost the Histories of the Universal Movement.
The Histories of the Universal Movement have lasted since the Dawn of the Universe because of the race of Sacred Guardians. I am in the last of the Million Million Lines of Guardians. I will not fail my family or my race or the Universe. The Universal Movement is the Divine group who chronicles the movements of the universe and the major events therein. The Uuniversal Movement have been keeping their Histories since ever and will never stop. The Movement is made up of ten Immortal Beings whose Divine and Holy purpose is to record events for the Conquerors who will come from the Unseen Stars and lay waste to the Reveled Citadels of the Sacred Guardians. If they ever come the Guardians will pledge their loyalty to the Conquerors because they Breached the Divine Citadel of Kakmanran. Or so it says in the legends. I don’t believe my parents stories. the reason I am searching for this piece of metal is it holds my English paper. It is my flash drive.